Over the past 6 months or so I've taken a detour from the 3D art world and been focusing on more traditional drawing. I have a habit of doing things backwards in the creative world so I felt like my traditional art skills could do with some practice and I must say I've really enjoyed the simplistic feel of pencil and paper.

I also recently explored some digital painting in photoshop using my Wacom tablet and it was a lot of fun. I have intermediate Photoshop skills which helped at lot when getting started but I also found a lot of inspiration and tips on http://www.ctrlpaint.com/ which has some amazingly simple free videos which breakdown digital painting techniques. I strongly recommend this for anyone looking to get started with digital painting in Photoshop!

I'm expanding my blog site to include some samples of my digital painting and traditional drawing work so be sure to check back.

For now here is my first completed digital painting!

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