I've been carrying on with the Intro to Zbrush book and I must give credit when credits due, the book is easy to follow and understand. Eric Keller seems to focus on creating dragons in the book and I've followed through but all of my creations thus far have deviated somewhere along the line to become something other than dragons!

I've also started working with a Wacom tablet. I bought a Bamboo Fun - Pen and Touch which is the upper end of the Bamboo range but definitely not an Intuos, which I here is the more professional tablet to work with. My experience of the Bamboo so far has been anything from greatly impressed. It seems the touch sensitivity is not as good as I expected, for those who want to read more about my Wacom woes, here is my post on the 3dtotal forum 

However I can see the benefit from sculpting with a pen and tablet as it does feel more 'natural' so I will continue to practice with it.

Here are a couple of sculpt screens.

The Dragon Head that turned into a lizard creature

A Snake Head started as zSpheres and zSketched out

The Snake Head sculpted further.

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