Tonight I completed the arms and most of the hands of the swordmaster.

I'm not entirely happy with the shape of the arms but I will tweek it a little more later.

I found using the non-uniform scale was much faster than moving individual vertices while creating the arms, I will try use this method more in the future.

I also still need to shape the hands some more and complete the thumbs, then the base model should be complete :) :)

Swordmaster - Arms/Hands (minus thumbs)

Hi All,

Swordmaster is coming along nicely. I've now completed the torso and legs and feet.

I found a few issues with the topology around the ankles but I think it worked out of in the end.

I'm now wondering how High-Poly models are created...I think so investigation is needed.

I hope to finish the arms later this week, then I will move onto creating some armor.

Swordmaster - Torso / Legs
I've started working on my first full character project. The Swordmaster, based on a tutorial by Seong-wha Jeong from 3d Total

So far I have completed the head and shoulders and its been great going. Modelling a head for the second time it was a lot quicker and easier.

I've been learning a lot more about vertex welding and ring/loop selection.

This is a low-poly model but I might try add more detail down the track or maybe even try for some animation.

Here is the progress thus far.

Swordmaster - Head/Shoulders

I've spent the last day or so reading a bit about materials (3ds max bible) I think I have found my way around the material editor fairly well, but making realistic materials and maps seems to be a whole other challenge onto itself.

In the effort of keeping my posting fresh and updated i've posted the viking helmet with some materials applied.

Using a multi/subobject material, I threw in a few bump maps on the horns and helmet base to try and give it a more textured effect.

Here is another render, i call this one 'Disco Viking'

The past couple of nights I have been working on modelling a Viking Helmet.

I've been using the new 'Ribbon' tool bar in Max 2010. (Although it feels like everything is new to me)

I like the tool bar better than the stardard parameter rollouts I think.

The helmet was modelled starting with a box with spherify applied, then symmetry.

I especially loved using the 'extrude along path' method of creating the horns! Very quick!

I also learned something very helpful!! Scene Hold! 'Ctrl+H' to Hold 'Ctrl+Alt+H' recover!

Helmet #1

Helmet #2 - This has a little bit of distortion near the base of the horns.

Yay I finished modelling my head. Well, by finished meaning I spent enough time on it and was ready to move on.

Here is the finished model, with TurboSmooth modifier applied.

I wanted to post some of the images that have given me recent inspiration, although I am years off creating work as good as these images, they are still a goal and something to work towards.

I also need to mention the 3D Total forums, which are just pumping 24-7 with amazing posts from 3D artist across the globe.
I'll link the forum posts so you can see the artists names etc.

Hyena Master
by Mahmmoud SALAH

Sky Captain by Dong Won Yang
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